This interesting image (above) is called “What is a Mason: Final Password,” as far we know

It looks and reads vintage, we’re unsure; but it’s interesting nonetheless.

The Definitions are Endless!

What is a Freemason?

   You don’t want to wait around for that answer… trust me! But we’ll give you something simple to take away all the same if you’re a little patient and don’t mind waiting for that. That’ll work, right? Yes, because we can provide an endless education—and entertainment—just defining some of what you already know and assume about Freemasonry, and that can be fun because Freemasonry cannot be definitively defined by anyone, as no one is ever the lone voice of Freemasonry. Did that make any sense? Probably. You see, Freemasonry has copious definitions, which currently fill volumes, and none of them are wrong coming from the mouths of Freemasons. And Freemasons may not always agree with the definitions entirely, but we rarely disagree with them altogether. None is a lone voice, but we all are one voice.

   We could enlist the famed Knights Templar (everybody loves them), the bloody Wat Tyler’s Rebellion; the medieval Stone Builders Guilds; the storied Sons of Liberty; the fiery French Revolution; the Predynastic Lower and Upper Egyptian conflict; or even the primeval Inter-Galactic Anunaki visitors to earth, and all that compelling history and mysticism still would only strain to suffice as a definitive account on Freemasonry. No one really knows how ancient Freemasonry is or who the first Freemasons were or where the first Freemason’s lodge was located; yet all of that detailed data would certainly help to define the divine phenomenon (more on that later), but still it would be wanting.

   Today, we all (Freemasons) feel quite special and exclusive concerning Freemasonry, and that’s not such a bad thing, we’ve earned our bragging rights to be sure, and cannot help but hold our chests and heads high as we should do so; but we carry on the tradition, we didn’t start it! We are not the only people to exchange and share intimate handshakes and passwords, and we will not be the last. Those following in our wake will do the same in their time as we do in our time, and so on, and ad-infinitum. So what then, is a Freemason, and what is Freemasonry? Answer: They are one and the same! Wherever you see one, you see the other; for they are literally indistinguishable and inseparable from each other. In essence, Freemasonry is not something a moral man practices, it’s what a moral man is. And moreover, it’s what he was created to be.

Now that’s nice, and you can keep it if you want to, I would. But I promised you something simple to take away, and it goes something like this: A Freemason is a man committed to lifelong learning, and through his learning, he attains self-improvement, self-value, and love for humanity and God. That’s it!

Thank you.