Who Are We?

Good question, glad you asked! Relax and put on your thinking cap, because we are talking about the Ancient Free Moorish Rite (A.F.M.R), the first new Freemasonic Rite in America in a very long time, probably since the days of George Washington. Yes, George Washington, one of America’s esteemed Founding Fathers and first President of the United States, was a Freemason. And he was a career Freemason until he died. Chances are some of you already know that about George Washington, and know him beyond his peering eyes on the dollar bill, and realize a Freemason is looking at you… good for you! And that’s very rich indeed.

But chances are you do not know the Moorish Rite is linked to George Washington, Masonically. Yes, I hear you screaming, “Absurd… Ludicrous… Ridiculous!” This is a huge claim… a very big deal, right?. I get it. Surely, George Washington is chiseled on the Rushmore of the starry heavens, cemented in both world and Masonic history as a First String All-star.

Now see this, George Washington became a Master Mason in 1753 in Virginia, the the A.F.M.R was established in 2001 in New Jersey; now that’s roughly 243 years and 243 miles of spacetime fabric between them. Interesting? Think about it; you agree something is very telling. But still, how in God’s grand scheme of things could George Washington be even remotely linked to the Moorish Rite?! Well, the universe is endless and its stars are infinite, but the smallest atom is still strung with the biggest galaxy. Now we’re not trying to shoehorn space fabric here, nor are we saying we walk in George Washington’s shoes; but when the threads connect and the shirt fits, we wear it!

To be sure, there is a connection.

Now that’s big… galactic! And now you understand his big picture on the right. But we’re going to show you an even bigger picture you’ve never seen, and only a few know about. Loosen your thinking cap now because we’re gonna put some tight things into that noggin. Yeah, now think… what would it feel like to enter Tutankamun’s tomb? How about a Howard Carter moment, with everything glittering like gold? You’d love that, wouldn’t you? Who wouldn’t! Well, that’s what we’re talking about here. This is real tomb-opening stuff. Lucky you! But whoa… whoa… wait just a second, let’s weigh in on this for a moment. No, not gonna happen, not here! We are the A.F.M.R, and we are Freemasons! Hmmm…. and Freemasons have all these “secrets,” right? Right. So how would it look for us if we just spilled all the beans right now, right here, just sprinkled them like cheap stardust? It wouldn’t look good. So we’re not gonna do it here.

But… at least we’ve given you something to think about, and you have some idea about who we are.