“Many Masons say they have many answers; but I’ve got just one question…

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If you’re not practicing your own Freemasonry, whose Freemasonry are you practicing?”

-Dr. Clifford E. Hazel Bey

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Click on Image to Select Desired Degree! And get our 40% 0ff Spring/Summer Concession Discount!

The Asiatic Degree

The Asiatic Degree is where the journey begins! The 1st (preliminary) degree in our Deck Degree system welcomes you. All aboard!

The Sayyied Degree

The Sublime Sayyied Degree completes our four Deck Degrees. It is the degree advancing to Mastery of the Seven Seas!

The Nefertiti Degree

The Pristine and beautiful Nefertiti Degree is the 1st degree of the Order of Moorish Star (O.M.S). The women’s component of the A.F.M.R.

Knight of the Mystic Sword

The Knight of the Mystic Sword Degree advances our learning from the earth to its waters, and from the atom to its stars.

The Mu’Wahid Degree

The Mighty Mu’Wahid Degree is the 2nd and advanced A.F.M.R Deck Degree, highlighting the spiritual and physical applications of truth.

The Wali Degree

The Exalted Wali Degree advances the applications of truth through the portals of Self-Knowledge, Brotherhood, Community, and Nationhood.

O.M.S Degree of the Goblet

The Degree of the Goblet. The definitive teaching on understanding Complementarity and its principles.

   Dr. Clifford E. Hazel Bey never took credit for the Moorish Rite, and he never actually became an active member of the Rite. He insisted, “This is my great work and it will be my legacy, but I’m moved by the Creator to do this for generations coming after me, I’m doing this for you, this generation, so you can continue for others after you.” When he held a press conference to inaugurate the “First new Masonic Rite in America in 216 years,” in 2001, he proclaimed, “Today, the making of Moorish Masons is now a concrete realty! I’ve been thinking of this day for more than 20 years, and now I’m thinking of the next 216 years. The Ancient Free Moorish Rite is reestablished today to live forever!

  A superlative proclamation to be sure, and perhaps an audience consensus would have been generous to weigh in on one year let alone forever. Forever is a long time, and nobody was gonna wait around for that; but they gave him a standing ovation all the same. Great words from a great man, are hard to deny. He was a visionary and an inspiration. And this is why we don’t call him the “Founder” (he rejected that), but instead refer to him as the “Inspiration” for the Moorish Rite, as he would have it no other way. He was an honest man, never clamoring for accolades or unmerited praise or attention. Dr. Clifford E. Hazel Bey knew where he stood… and that was always on his square.

  We try to hard refrain from brandishing his distinguished titles, honors, accolades and achievements, Masonic and otherwise, all through which he made many people and the world better. Time and history will tell his story, as his story is very telling; but we are prudent here to tell our history, which necessarily and essentially begins with him. And although many have never experienced the compelling command of his voice and comfort of his presence, they nevertheless know him through his works, which speaks to them all the same.

   His idea to recreate a demographic branch of Freemasonry, shook the tree at its roots. He said once, “I know I’m planting the seed of this tree, but I don’t expect to rest under its shade; it’ll be here long after I’m gone.”

Well said, as an idea from God will always exist!

Constructing the Ship

Our History

   It all begins with an idea… and the idea begins a long time ago, with Dr. Clifford E. Hazel Bey! And he would tell you the idea is not his, but is directly from God, thus the Moorish Rite is Divinely inspired. Many called him the founder; but he would always retort, “How can I be the founder of something inspired by the Creator?… if you want to say anything, say I inspired the Moorish Rite … by the Creator’s permission!”

   He made it clear, “The Moorish Rite is not just a fraternal order, it is a divine order.” And he’d often punctuate, “You can put that in stone!”

One day we will.

   One of his early childhood recollections was his grandfather’s mysterious fraternity: “they were all men, most of them very tall, and wore strange red, fez-type hats and knee-high black boots with knives snuggly tucked in the front, and these knives had elastic bands attached so that when they fetched the knives and threw them, the knives would quickly boomerang back into their hands… and they were great with this, sharp-shooters! I loved watching them spear coons, wild turkeys, rabbits, deer, beavers, snakes, even birds and fish. We ate good! And they’d have secret meetings in the woods not far from the river, and as a kid I’d sneak and watch them before my Grand-dad would sneak up on me and shew me away….”

   These were fond memories for him, which he described as distant but unforgettable and impacting. “Some things are very clear, and some things are fuzzy.” And he often pointed out, “Now I don’t know if they were Masons, although I believe they were, but I remember they referred to themselves as Moors, and sometimes even called my Grand-dad, ‘Master’.”

   When asked if his Grandfather and these men inspired the idea of the Moorish Rite, he explained, “No, not at all; but as I got older and began my research on the Moors and their historical roots in Freemasonry, it caused me to remember them … so the Idea of the Moorish Rite, for my part wasn’t creating it, but recreating it, because the Moorish Rite, as I learned through over 20 years of devoted research, existed in the ancient world and long before 1717-1723, which shouldn’t be surprising to any learned Freemason, because the history is there! We learn there’s nothing new under the sun, but a time came when the sun set on the Moorish Empire, and much of the history of the Moors, and especially their Masonic origins, were concealed in darkness. I just aspired to help raise the sun again. And remembering my Granddad’s men was indeed an honest spark and great reward to my research. I knew I was on to something, something big, and something that would impact Freemasonry not only in America, but all over the world… because I knew also that God was in it, and I was not in it alone. And I forever thank God for that.”

He then reflected, “I’d love to think they were Moorish Freemasons, and I have a strong feeling they were, as it would only make sense, but I’ll never know.” Sometimes his reflections were sobering, “Who knows, they may have just been great hunters, these were lean times and people were hungry in the southern rural areas; I mean, it was normal for women to put a big fat coon on the dinner table, baked and dressed in vegetables and broth, like we do turkeys and chickens today, and people would eat and drink merrily. In those days men were providers, and they did whatever was required of them to provide for their families.”

Viewing the Structures

We love the world’s amazing ancient structures. We marvel madly over them, and are mesmerized by their size, shape, construction, and architectural beauty. We remain bewildered and baffled with the secrets they hold and languages they speak which we are yet to discover and decipher. Albeit their spell bounding impact on our curiosities, these marvelous man-made masterpieces are simply reflecting the natural world, for we can find the same, or greater, within the smallest grain of sand and droplet of water. And they speak more for the people who made them, actually, than they do for their existence; for without the people the structures would not exist! We may marvel at how mammoth stones were moved let alone arranged, but we must know with certainty they did not move themselves! It’s true: What wasn’t built in a day required the laying of bricks every hour. And this is a principle we hold dear in the Moorish Rite. The people are as the very sands of time, and are the mortar which bind bricks together and anchors stone to earth.

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Through the Water and the Spirit

It all begins with water. And that is to say, we all begin our lives in water as in water all life begins. Likewise, becoming a Moorish Rite Freemason involves a symbolic return to the primeval waters of life and creation (see video). This waterside initiation could seem to invoke the rite of baptism, as initiates do make some contact with the water, but not before they are caused to appreciate the earth which holds it and the sun which shines upon it. Perhaps you see the blindfolds which aid in enhancing the senses sans sight, and inspires the initiate to “see” with the eye of the mind. What may look frightening and fearful, is actually a fantastic and fulfilling experience. Moorish Rite Freemasons love this process! And notwithstanding the fun, it is, however, not for the timid. And while this process is not mandatory, it is recommended. So roll up your trousers and get your feet wet! There’s nothing to fear, but everything to feel. You see, Water is spiritual, and it can help to whet our senses. You will feel destined to make a difference in yourself, your family, your community, your country, and your world… and you’ll love it!

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